Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's after midnight, and Nan will be waking around 6:30am. Why, oh why, am I still up? I have trouble getting to sleep when Jay's away-- though, I confess when I actually GET to sleep it's more comfortable-- and I find myself putting off the whole bedtime process in anticipation of lying awake for hours. So I watch crappy tv and drink cheap wine and play Bejeweled on Facebook 'til my hand turns into a claw. (85,000-- booyah.) Jay's been gone for a few days now-- he's at a bluegrass festival-- so Nan and I have been on our own. We've had a nice time. I love the fact that she's becoming good company. We had dinner at a deli, and I really enjoyed chatting with her. We talked about nonsense, as usual, but she's fun and funny. I knew I'd love my kid, but I'm so glad I like her so much. We ran a few errands, and then hit the playground until it was time to head home to get ready for bed. I stopped and got us a McFlurry to share, and as we ate it, she told me, "Mommy, you're my favorite friend!" Try not to die from the cute. Classes are progressing for the medical billing and coding program-- in fact, I knocked out the medical terminology class in just over two weeks. I will take the final on Monday or Tuesday, and be that much closer to my goal of completing before Jay goes back to school in the fall.

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