Thursday, August 21, 2008

End of Summer

So, Nan will be heading back to preschool for her second year in just a few short weeks. The problem? How to fill the days between her dad's return to school and her first day in the Wednesday-Friday Two's class. She became accustomed to a pretty strenuous schedule of FUN! FUN! FUN! under Dad's jurisdiction, and the thought of sitting at home all morning doesn't appeal to her anymore. Sigh. She starts every morning with a question-- "Where are we going TODAY, Mommy?" This wouldn't be a problem, if I weren't also working full time from home. I must try to find enough hours in the day to entertain Nan, keep up the house, make meals, and work 8+ hours. And get to bed at a reasonable time. All while fighting the exhaustion that accompanies most RA patients. I know I am by no means unique in my lack of energy-- all moms feel the same way, to varying degrees. And I'm lucky to have a fantastic, helpful, hands-on husband and Nan's super-eager grandma nearby. But... it's tough. Since my second hip replacement, it's a lot easier to keep up with Nan on the playground, so that's been our hangout of choice the last few weeks. It's fascinating to watch her learn the playground etiquette-- taking turns, sharing, et cetera. And I love her attitude. When we approach the playground, and she sees all the children, she starts to wiggle in her seat, shouting, "LOOK, MOMMY! FRIENDS!" I love that she automatically assumes all children are her friends. I hope she always feels that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhh, if we could all learn to be kind like the children. I still meet adults that don't "take turns" or "share" very well. I'm thinking their mother's didn't take them to the playgroud very often. : )