Saturday, April 25, 2009

The sun is shining, the temperature is climbing into the 80's, the birds are singing... Spring has made things better around here. We've been healthy for a month (knocking wood feverishly), and my attitude has improved one thousand percent. Last night, we bought Natalie a new sand and water table-- it's quite nifty, with gears and slides and various other fun stuff that will hopefully entertain her for hours outdoors. Just being able to go outside and play has helped us in the last few weeks. I have also made an effort to get out on my own-- I got to see the live broadcast of 'This American Life' with friends. It was awesome, and I enjoyed the pre-show meal as much as the show. It was so nice to eat without a 3yo hanging off my arm. The girl has a new habit of "helping" me eat-- she thinks it's HYSTERICAL to hold my elbow and guide my hand to my mouth. Not such a great idea when I'm eating something like soup. She's still a major mommy girl, but she's become receptive to visiting Grandma overnight again. Hurray! I can dump the kid without the guilt. She's looking forward to visiting "Grandpa Bear"-- her new nickname for my dad. She becomes Daphne the Dog Superhero, and wrestles with Grandpa Bear. It's fun for both of them. Until my dad stops listening... then Nan has to put him in time-out. Hee.

1 comment:

MistahMoneyPenny said...

Is your parents' cat still afraid to go down into the basement because of all the monksters?