Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The spring-like weather has ushered in a new attitude at our house. We're all a little perkier now that we can spend some time outdoors. Nan and I spent the morning at the playground, and even had a little picnic (or picpic, as Natalie calls it) there. She had a ball, running around with the herd of kids and climbing like a monkey. She was braver than she was in the fall-- she went down the crazy curly tube slides that she categorically refused to approach before. She was exhausted after our busy morning, and she took a great nap, and woke up peppy and ready to play. Jay's had a brief reprieve from his insane contest schedule, and he's been home for dinner and bath and bedtime for the last few days. Things are feeling a little more managable than they have been.

After nap today, we went to the grocery store. We had an uneventful trip, and on our way home Nan asked me to tell her about when she was little. We discussed the usual-- you couldn't talk, you had no teeth, couldn't walk, etc.-- and then she said, "Okay, Mommy, I'll tell you about YOU when YOU were little!" Apparently I flew a princess kite and laughed and laughed. And I was too small to ride a bike, and my bike is broken, and Handy Manny will fix it! We must call him!
Such a loon.

1 comment:

Sly said...

It's like she was there during our childhood...