Saturday, November 7, 2009

I had a lovely evening with my dear friend last night. Sue has been my friend for nearly 20 years, and we always have so much fun. We sat and shared dinner and beer, and when the restaurant closed at 10, we stood outside and talked until we became too cold to continue. Otherwise, we probably would've stood for another two hours and talked. We could talk forever. Literally. We would never, never run out of conversation. It's lovely. I came home to a relatively clean house, kid in bed, and husband nearly asleep on the couch. And, even better, I only got one call while I was out-- and it was legitimate, a question about Nan's medicine. But best of all? Jay got up early this morning, got Nan dressed and fed, and took her to the Children's Museum so I could finish up the ethics class I'm taking. WOOOOO! It makes it easier for me to handle his absence through the week when I know he'll take up the slack on the weekend. The kid misses her dad. The had a good evening last night, and I'm sure they're having a lot of fun at the museum today. And, it gives me a chance to miss my kid-- something every mom needs on occasion. I finished my ethics exam, and think I passed with flying colors. I'm looking forward to starting the actual meat of my program-- the coding and the billing. Hopefully, this will motivate me to move a bit quicker through the classes, and I can accomplish my goal of completing the course of study before February.
Lately, my child has been agitating to stay at the after-care at her preschool. Apparently, her best friend J gets to stay, and it's Shangri-La and Disneyworld all rolled into one fantastic package. They get to watch MOVIES! and bring a SPECIAL! BLANKET! and sit with their BEST! FRIEND! and clearly I'm a BAD MOM for not letting her stay. Why won't I let her stay? Why don't I want her to be happy? Finally, I have relented, and I signed her up to stay after on Monday. She's beyond excited, and has already chosen the blanket she wants to take with her. Fortunately, J's name was on the list, too, so her happiness should be complete. We'll see how happy she is when it's an hour past her usual naptime and she's not home in her bed. Or rather, we'll see how happy I am when she's napless and overexcited. Stay tuned.

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