Tuesday, January 18, 2011

As I get older, I find myself enjoying spicier food. Is it my tastebuds deadening? Have I always had a taste for the spicy, but I feared it? I dunno. All I know is I rendered a perfectly lovely pot of spaghetti carbonara inedible for the kid when I got too crazy with the red pepper. I thought it was yummy, but she claimed it "made her tongue hurt" and wiped her tongue with her napkin after the few bites she tried. Ah, well. More for us. Tonight, I made a CRAZY hot pot of jambalaya, with super spicy andouille sausage and enough Creole seasoning to choke a cow. Small girl ate a tuna sandwich-- I didn't even try to get her to eat it. Since I've had the stress fracture in my left foot, dinner has been more utilitarian, and we've been eating in the living room. As I heal, I'm able to stand in the kitchen for longer stretches and thus our meals have improved. If I were smart, I'd start freezing food for next month. After years of "issues", my ob/gyn and I have decided it's time for the ol' uterus to go. I am fortunate that my doctor is among those surgeons who are trained to perform the minimally-invasive version of the procedure, and thus the recovery time will be more than halved, but it's still surgery. There will be a week or so when I won't be up for cooking. And tuna casserole will lose it's appeal after a few nights, I imagine-- tuna casserole is the extent of Jay's cooking talents. Don't get me wrong, it's damn fine tuna casserole. But still.
As I type, I'm listening to my poor kid hack her lungs up. I'm hoping it will subside soon, but it doesn't sound good. I called the doctor today, and they suggested over-the-counter cough syrup. Duh. I'm not new-- I've tried that already-- and it hasn't been effective. They said call tomorrow if she's still having issues. So I get a sleepless night and a cranky kid tomorrow because they were hesitant to call in a cough syrup that would help her sleep? Whatev. I'm usually really happy with our pediatrician's office, we're usually very much on the same page, but I really wish they'd listened to me today. Not looking forward to the night.

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