Friday, January 14, 2011

The plumber arrived, just after the kid went down for her nap. They poked and prodded in the hole in the closet, and determined that the pipe wasn't accessible by the pre-dug hole, so they decided to come back the next day to dig anew. In the meantime, I was charged with the task of emptying the closet to give them space to dig. My mother had planned to visit in the evening, so I put her to work, and between Mom, Nan and myself we managed to get the closet cleared very quickly. I decided to go ahead and clear the space by the outer wall of the closet-- the part of the living room where Nan has her craft table. This was a bigger job. I was able to sort and toss the unnecessary stuff, and put the stuff she really loves in a more accessible spot. It took a little time, but it was nice to get it done. When the guys arrived this morning, they feared they would have to yank the vanity and knock a hole in the wall, so I set to work clearing the cabinets under the vanity. This took longer than I anticipated, and I unearthed crap that I forgot existed. Crap that should've been tossed years ago, so I decided to look upon this as an opportunity to purge. Fortunately, the guys determined that they wouldn't need to get all destruct-y in my bathroom, and they were able to access the pipe through the NEW hole in our closet. Our closet floor is looking rather like swiss cheese these days. Both the guys recommended that we put our house on the market-- easier said than done, friends. Do y'all want to come and replace our carpet, put in new molding, repaint the living room and the bedroom? If so, c'mon over and take care of it! We'd welcome you with open arms! Oh-- and also? Fill the holes in the closet while you're at it...

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