Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I've been hard at work putting together my own personal literary sweatshop (tm my friend Seth-- I love the phrase, and it perfectly describes my pay). I've cobbled together three or four semi-regular things, and I'm writing bits and pieces on the side. I've enjoyed this tremendously. However, my study time for the CCA exam has been DRASTICALLY reduced as I commit myself to write more. I've intended to study the last couple of mornings, but instead I found myself pounding out five articles on the topic of personal finance (250 words per article, at 2 cents a word-- yes, that is TWO CENTS, as in two pennies) instead of boning up on the art of medical coding. I've decided to view this time of low-paying work as an internship of sorts. I'm becoming familiar with the rhythm of copy writing, and I'm learning how to write about pretty much anything thrown at me. Above all, it's fun. This evening, as Jay and Natalie played on the Wii, I wrote 500 words about the difference between antihistamines and decongestants. It was fabulous. I felt such a sense of accomplishment for 45 minutes of work, a sense of accomplishment that has been gone from my day-to-day life for the last few years. Being a mom is tremendous, the best thing I've done, but you don't get a lot of positive feedback. I'd love to have a formal performance review once a year. When Nan was small, that's how I viewed visits to the pediatrician... when she grew, I felt like I'd gotten a great review. Dr. O had no idea how much my self-esteem depended on her casual, "Looks good, mom!" As the kid gets bigger and ventures out into the world on her own, I have to find something else to give me that feeling. This might be it.

1 comment:

Oldfangled said...

I'm glad you're enjoying the copy writing. I did it for a while and I didn't love it. It was an okay way to make a few extra bucks, but not something I'd want to do much of. I think it's super you're enjoying it.