Monday, March 14, 2011

This is the time of year I dread... show choir season. My husband directs the band that accompanies the show choir, thus my husband accompanies the band that accompanies the show choir on alllll the trips to the various competitions the group attends-- most of them are in the state, but they've got a few that become overnight trips. And if the choir actually makes it to the finals of the competition? They might not make it home until the wee hours of the next day. I know, deep down, it's wrong to hope they don't make it... and yet. It's nice when he's home before 10pm. On top of the lost weekends, we also have the weeknight rehearsals. And the hours of arranging he does before the rehearsals begin. I'm glad my husband loves his job; he's one of the few people I know who genuinely enjoys going to work every day. He loves working with kids, and he loves, as he says, "being paid to play the guitar all day". But it's ROUGH on me, and rough on the kid. She misses her dad. They've got one more competition to go. We can make it.
In other news, my kid will be a kindergartner as of Thursday. We head to her elementary school for Kindergarten Roundup. She's excited, with good reason. We drive past the school on a regular basis so she can gaze at it with longing-- she cannot WAIT to go to big kid school. I cannot believe my baby's going to be riding a school bus in the fall. She's small! It's big! I'm lame.


Oldfangled said...

I'm with you, Nik. My husband is finally back from the tour 'round the world (okay, the US at least) for competitions. I'm sooo happy to have him home. Hang on, friend. Competition season will end eventually. (:

Nikki said...

We should make a point to hang out more in February/March... when we're abandoned by our menfolk... :)