Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My kid is five, and this is the first time daylight savings has actually disrupted her sleep. She's been staying up at least an hour past her usual bedtime, and it's about to kill me. KILL ME DEAD. And I, in turn, am ready to kill the genius who thought up daylight savings DEAD. I don't care if he's dead already. I'll get 'im again. This simply highlights the fact that I have made a wise choice in stopping at one kid, a kid who was an excellent sleeper at that. I HATE disruption to the master schedule. Luckily, Nan usually hates it, too. I assume this will be short lived. I assume she'll be asleep before 10pm sometime in the near-ish future.
Anyway. Nan has recently discovered a deep love of chocolate-chip bagels. I find this to be delightful. Personally, and I know this is sacrilege, but I prefer bagels to doughnuts. Shh. Don't tell my husband. He and Nan have a tradition of doughnuts on Saturdays, and I would love to sway her to bagels.

1 comment:

Oldfangled said...

I think DST is stupid. I've noticed, though, that it's getting longer and longer and I suspect that eventually it will eclipse standard time.

I can at least hope.