Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've been trying to finish reading this particular manuscript for nearly a week now... it's on the short side (only 180 pages), but it's just not. holding. my. interest. I feel like I need to turn in the completed press release tomorrow, but I cannot complete said release until I finish the damned book. It's been open on my laptop all evening; instead of reading this lovely tome, I've trolled oDesk for jobs, played Scrabble, read blogs, watched a movie on FX, considered showering, thought of snack options, decided I was too lazy to shower OR snack, congratulated myself on the latter, plotted what time I'd need to get up in the morning to get showered, wondered if I could get away without it for the morning, told myself ten times that I should really go to bed, researched pancake recipes for the cooking challenge (a sidenote: I've made THREE kinds of pancakes for the effing cooking challenge in the last couple of years, and now they've chosen pancakes for this month's challenge. Can I just refer everyone to my previous entries???), found a good recipe for a brunch I've been invited to in a month, made a grocery list in my head, considered getting up to get my phone to put the list somewhere that I could actually use it, rejected the notion of getting up from the couch, made a mental note to start the dryer again, and blogged. Looking at that list, I feel slightly more productive than I actually was. Jay and Natalie have been asleep for hours. I should join them. Especially if I plan to shower in the morning.


Oldfangled said...

Yes, it *sounds* productive... but in reality is not. Sorry to burst your proverbial bubble. (:

Nikki said...

Shhh, Karen... don't disrupt my delusion... :)