Saturday, September 6, 2008

If you have a chance to see the Ringling Brothers' Circus, I recommend you RUN, don't walk, to the nearest ticket purveyor and check it out. Seriously. It completely RULED. There were cool animals, talented acrobats, and the best of all? Human. Cannonball. Not just ONE human cannonball-- but TWO human cannonballs, husband-and-wife human cannonballs at that. (Can you imagine? What if they were fighting just before being loaded into the cannon-- would Mrs. Human Cannonball nudge the mister juuuuust enough so he'd miss the mat? Just a thought.) Nan was absolutely transfixed. Even though we pushed her over an hour past her usual naptime, and patched together lunch from the concession stand and the contents of my purse, she held it together rather well. Big drama occurred when I refused to plunk down $20 (!!!!!!!) for a piece of light-up plastic crap that they brought out during intermission. She was ok with my "no" until the lights went down again, and she saw how awesome the plastic crap was allll lit up in the dark. She was PISSED-- she wanted one "WIGHT NOW!" Nuh-uh. I told her we could check out the souvenir stand on our way out, but I wasn't going to buy the stupid wand-y thing. She was eventually transfixed by the dancing dogs, and we watched the rest of the circus in peace. After, we stopped by the souvenir stand, as promised, and she chose a t-shirt. All was well. Today, she and Jay are off to our goddaughter's 3rd birthday party. It's a pony party, held at a state park nearby. They've got a great saddlebarn, and Nan is so excited to RIDE! PONIES! I'm not joining them... I've been under the weather since Thursday, and I'm taking the day to rest, and hopefully kick this bug. I managed to hold it together with pharmaceutical help at the circus, but I was dead for the rest of the day. I've eaten next to nothing for days, and while that's been good for the scale (5lbs lost... but I don't recommend the method), my energy is nonexistent. Hopefully, a day of rest will help.

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