Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I am apparently absolutely unteachable. It was LESS THAN A MONTH AGO that I was convinced Nan's runny nose was simply allergies. I was wrong. Yesterday? Allergies, I told myself. When she woke in the night hacking her poor lungs out, I smacked myself in the head and resolved to call the doctor's office as soon as they opened. (I also had a dream that someone was standing over our bed, resulting in me screaming at the top of my lungs and scaring my husband. Sorry, honey. Umm... you passed the drill! The "wake when I scream" drill! Gold star!) So we trekked to Nan's pediatrician today, and we ended up seeing a different doctor in the practice, as our beloved Dr. O was out today. Dr. D was lovely, and Nan was a perfect patient. Apparently, the allergy attack is turning into a sinus infection, and we've caught it fairly early. And when I asked if she could go to school tomorrow, the doctor said as long as she wasn't running a fever, it's fine. Hurray! Way to absolve my guilt re. dance class! Thanks, Dr. D! So now we're giving Nan antibiotics, and the doctor is calling in a night-time cough syrup to help the poor baby sleep. She sounds worse than she feels, I think, so I'm hoping it will pass soon.

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