Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This has been a long week. Like, "it's Wednesday and it feels like next Thursday" long. Construction near our house severed our phone lines (!!!!), leaving us without phone service OR, more importantly, DSL. Which meant no internet service. Which meant I couldn't work. For a day and a half. I /did/ get the laundry folded, and the dishes washed, and Nan's lunch packed for school. And I got to take a nap. But it wasn't a happy nap... it was a "there's nothing I can do so I might as well sleep" nap. Grr. I am happy to report that services are back up as of this afternoon, so I /should/ be able to get my day's work in. I'm only about four hours short for yesterday. I packed Nan up and we met my mom for dinner, and then went on to her house, where I could work for a few hours while she played with Nan and then bathed her and got her ready for bed. Yay, Grandma! Jay's deep in the throes of auditions for the high school's fall musical, so he didn't get home until late last night. I must say, I have a whole new respect for all the teachers who did so much while I was in high school. The people who directed the plays, the band and choir directors who spent hours of precious afterschool and weekend time making sure everything went well, for little to no additional compensation. Now that my husband is one of those people, I feel like sending thank you notes to those teachers. I understand the family time that was sacrificed so the show could go on. As does my poor messy house. Something must give, and in our case, it's housekeeping. Hope Nan doesn't get eaten by a dust bunny.


melissa said...

Um, I forgot what I was going to say... Oooh, okay. I got it. Every nap is a happy nap! I'm glad you're back up and running again. What show is your husband working on?

Nikki said...

Oh, lord... I don't know... it's some silly jukebox musical-- all 80's music or something like that. He's a guitar/ music theory teacher at Noblesville HS. :) It makes me think of our old high school days... I think of all the time that Ms. Armstrong and Mrs. Otterman put in, and I'm glad my husband is just doing the sound and helping w/ auditions.