Monday, September 29, 2008

Second verse, same as the first...

I took my sick, snotty girl to dance class. Again. I know. I. Know. I REALLY think it's just allergies-- no green/yellow color, no fever (this time) and it's accompanied by watery eyes and the dark allergy circles, but ugh. It's gross. I did warn the teacher that she might need to keep a kleenex handy, and I mentioned to several of the moms that she was suffering from allergies, so I didn't get the "what the hell is wrong with you, lady?" looks I got last time. I'm so tired of snot. At least she's better about using the kleenexes on her own now-- I can just hand one back to her, and she'll wipe herself off. someday, soon, she'll be able to reach the box on her own. Someday, she'll stop using ME as a handy kleenex. Dare to dream.
One of the benefits of this allergy attack is that the girl actually wants to go to bed early, so Jay and I are able to catch up on some of the new! awesome! tv shows we've been taping. Hurray! I hate to let the tivo get so clogged, and I keep deleting Nan's backlog of 'Curious George' episodes to make room for the new episodes of 'Dexter'. Hee. It feels good to delete the shows we've watched NINE MILLION times, especially when it's replaced with something awesome.

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