Sunday, September 28, 2008

We took Nan to the free(!) kid's matinee at a local theater yesterday morning, and it was a smashing success. It was the most recent VeggieTales movie, so that was a definite plus for Nan. She's been obsessed with the bloody VeggieTales series of late. We take out a stack of the DVDs at the library each week, and by the time the next Tuesday comes around, I'm speeding to the library to drop the stack off so I don't have to watch 'Dave and the Giant Pickle' ONE. MORE. TIME. It is a testament to the wittiness and cleverness of the movies that I haven't tossed any out the window. Yet. We did manage to talk her into 'Toy Story' for our Friday night movie-and-pizza extravangaza. Or, as she refers to it, "The Messy Room Movie". Which is technically accurate, and somewhat heartning-- maybe she'll grow into being a neat freak. That would be tremendously helpful. She sat through all of 'Toy Story', rapt, and didn't touch the pizza she helped me make. We're enjoying introducing her to our favorite children's movies, and the Pixar movies have been extremely popular. Hurray!
We had to have our picture taken for the church directory this morning. I dressed us all carefully-- Jay remembered to wear a shirt and tie, I wore a basic black shirt, and I put Nan in her colorful autumn-weight dress. /I/ did her hair this morning (sorry, Jay-- your hairdos are serviceable, but not picture-worthy), and I even put on lipstick. It started badly, when she cried from our house to church (about a 20 minute drive) because I didn't have her pacifier, which is only supposed to be used at home ANYWAY, and when we got out of the car she decided to wipe her snotty, teary face all. over. my. black. shirt. Growl. I did the best I could with a damp paper towel from the bathroom, but I have a feeling that our picture will appear in the directory with a perfectly groomed Jay and Nan, and me looking rather frazzled with faded lipstick and snot tracks on my shirt. At least it's an accurate depiction of our family.

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