Monday, September 22, 2008

I write this from Nan's room. She is supposed to be napping. She is not. I am definitely at my wit's end... how can you MAKE a kid sleep? Right now, my strategy is simply waiting her out-- I sit here and glare at her every time she makes a sound, and she eventually gives up and falls asleep. This is not a viable longterm solution. I prefer not to spend an hour or more of my precious afternoon time scowling at my progeny. And that's when it WORKS... yesterday, she was napless. We were due at a family party, so we eventually gave up on the struggle. Did we set a bad precedent? Does she think she can just outwait us now? I suppose I'll find out today...

Ok... she fell asleep about 10-15 minutes after I got in her room. Hurray! I had to wake her for dance class. Booooooo. Now I'm dealing with the shortened-nap aftermath. We have had about seventeen bursts of tears since 4:30. Jay is coming home late. Send chocolate. And liquor. And a nanny.

1 comment:

melissa said...

OMG there have been MANY a night where I've hit the chocolate... and the wine. I feel for ya!