Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jay and I decided to do a bit of dividing and conquering this weekend. My mom and dad went away for a much-needed mini-vacation, so our usual sitters were not available. We both REALLY wanted to see a movie, so on Sunday, while Nan napped, Jay saw 'Clone Wars' (ugh), and I saw 'Hamlet 2' while she napped on Monday. I was a little disappointed. I was expecting the most HILARIOUS thing ever to be captured on film, based on some of the reviews I've read. And some moments were absolutely laugh-out-loud, snort your soda funny. But, overall, it was only mildly amusing. I felt like I'd wasted my precious movie-going time on a 'meh' film. And, I got that damned "Rock Me, Sexy Jesus" song STUCK IRREVOCABLY in my head. I /really/ wanted to see 'Tropic Thunder', but Jay wants to see it, too, so we agreed to wait until we can see it together. Which will be on the 10th of never, if our September calendar is a precursor of things to come. He was kind of let down by 'Clone Wars', too-- we decided later that we would've been better off if we'd just seen the same movie separately, and discussed it later. Ah, well. I got to do one of my favorite things-- I loooove seeing movies by myself. I don't have to share my popcorn, I can sit wherever I want to sit, and if I really hate it, I can leave without compunction. I find it very soothing. I know some people feel weird or silly sitting alone in the theater, but I think it's fabulous. Who cares what the other people think? Rock me, sexy Jesus.

1 comment:

Bealicious said...

I thought I was the only person in the world who relishes movies alone. I too love it. hum....