Tuesday, September 9, 2008

They only had to wipe her nose ONCE....That counts for something, right???*

Yesterday, I was that mom. The mom who comes running into the dance studio, five minutes late, frantically slapping tap shoes onto her child's feet, while scraping her unbrushed hair into a haphazard ponytail. Not only were we late, but we were late and SNOTTY. If it hadn't been the first class, I would've kept Nan home. What we thought was an allergy attack was shaping into a cold. As we got out of the car at the dance studio, she sneezed and blew snot allllll over her tutu and the carseat. I wiped her off as best I could with kleenex dug from the bottom of my purse, and we headed in to class. She entered the class late, so she was hesitant to join for the first few minutes. Poor kid. All the other girls were dancing, perfectly coiffed, not encrusted with bodily fluids... and then there was Nan. When the girls had to join hands, I cringed-- I could almost hear the intake of breath from the mom of the little girl holding Nan's hand. I was so happy that the teacher only had to interrupt class once to wipe the Nan's nose. (You know you've reached a new low when that's the bright spot of the day...) So, yeah, I made a completely awesome impression at our first dance class. I'm SURE they are eagerly awaiting what we'll bring next week. Maybe a nice intenstinal virus? Perhaps pinkeye? But you can bet your ass we'll be there fifteen minutes early. And I'll have her hair in a bun if it kills me.

PS-- When we got home, before dinner, my husband requested the thermometer. Nan felt a little warm, he said, and he was right-- she had a fever of 100. Yep. I'm a model parent.

*Props to my sister for the title... Thanks, Sly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been "that" mom. Wait until one of the other moms becomes "that mom". Trust me, it'll happen... try not to laugh too loud when it does. ; )
We should form an alliance for those who have been there. We'll call it "That Mom Incorporated" or TMI for short. haha Yeah, it could work. : )